True to its mission of promoting the welfare of children, Pediapharma Foundation, Inc. (PFI) has committed to sponsor scholars from Children’s Joy Foundation, Inc. (CJFI).
Pediapharma is happily supporting Children’s Joy in its goal of enabling marginal young ones to become responsible, productive and active contributing members of society in the future. This can be accomplished through CJFI’s residential-based support program as well as community-based support program.
According to Michelle Erika Zaldarriaga, PFI managing director, “We are very pleased that 20 children – 18 for basic education and 2 for college – will be sponsored by Pediapharma for the school year 2019 to 2020. This is just our latest effort to help achieve Pediapharma’s vision of healthy, happy Filipino children with improved quality of life.
CJFI is a non-stock and non-profit special welfare licensed by the Department of Social Welfare and Development. Pediapharma Foundation, on the other hand, is the advocacy arm of Pediapharma Inc. whose pediatric products, among others, help to nurture and strengthen children as they grow.